May 31, 2022

Spice rub review

By Ndah Mbawa
Spice rub review

We cherish reviews

We love hearing from our customers! We thrive off of our reviews and we love seeing personal opinions of our products, so we encourage you to write one. After all, it's your thoughts on our products are why you're purchasing them :)

You can leave us a review by going to our website when having clicked on the product, scroll doen until you see the "write a review" button.

Here's a great review of our Kékem BBQ spice rub from Adeline Palmerston, "Brought amazing memories back to me. Tastes exactly how I remembered it. Really transformed the taste of my fish and gave it that bbq taste even though I made it in the oven. Looking forward to trying it with grilled vegetables.

We welcome your honest feedback and reviews on our products. We are always looking to improve so the more you can tell us about what you like, what you don't and how we can improve then this would be greatly appreciated for our local business.